Canada Job Grant Program

The Canada Job Grant (CJG) is a government-funded program that helps employers invest in skill development for their employees by covering 50-100% of third-party training costs. Launched in 2014, the program allocates up to $194M annually to support the upskilling of new and existing employees, helping them acquire valuable skills for their organizations. The CJG is available through provincial streams across Canada (excluding Québec), with varying funding amounts and eligibility criteria. For more information, please refer to your province’s website for specific details.

The Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG)

The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is an employer driven training program that helps employers invest in training for current and future employees. The goal of the CAJG is to increase participation of Albertans in the labour force by helping them develop the skills they need to find and keep a job. The CAJG is also an opportunity for employers to invest in training that is better aligned to job opportunities.

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    FundingEligible employers are required to contribute a minimum of one-third of the total training costs for existing employees while the grant program contributes two-thirds of the cost to a maximum of $10,000 per trainee per fiscal year. If hiring and training an unemployed Albertan, up to 100% of training costs could be covered, up to $15,000 per trainee. The CAJG is available for direct training costs only, meaning employee wages are not eligible for reimbursement.
    EligibilityTo be eligible, employers must have current or potential employees who need training to fill current or future positions that are Canadian citizens or permanent residents and are living in Alberta. This does include business owners (incorporated, unincorporated, sole-proprietor, partnerships) with 4 or fewer employees, and family members of business owners employed with the applicant company for more than 3 months. Non Profit Entities are also eligible.

British Columbia


B.C. Employer Training Grant Program (ETG)

The B.C. Employer Training Grant (ETG) offers funding to employers to support skills training for employees, including possible new hires. Grants are available to businesses and organizations of all sizes including self-employed people. The Employer Training Grant helps employers pay for training, which in turn helps employees experience increased job security or move into better jobs. A “better job” is defined as increased pay, a promotion or advancement to another position, or increased hours.

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    FundingEmployers can apply as often as they need and receive 80 per cent of the cost of training up to $10,000 per employee per year, with a maximum amount per employer of $300,000 per fiscal year. (Apr 1- March 31)
    EligibilityParticipants must be business owners, employees, or potential employees living in BC that are Canadian Citizens or Permanent residents. Non Profit Entities are also eligible.



The Canada-Manitoba Job Grant (CMJG)

The Canada-Manitoba Job Grant is a cost-shared funding program that provides funding to employers to help cover training costs of new and existing employees to meet business needs, support the development of a highly skilled workforce, boost economic growth, and increase employment opportunities across Manitoba.
** This grant only opens sporadically and for a short period of time in the spring and fall.

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    FundingEligible employers can receive up to 75% of the direct training costs up to $10,000 per individual participant and to a maximum of $100,000 of total funding.
    EligibilityParticipants must be business owners, employees, or potential employees living in BC that are Canadian Citizens or Permanent residents. Employers must have a job available for the trainee upon successful completion of the training. For existing employees, the purpose of training should be to upgrade their skills so they may move up to a better job or meet employer needs in the workplace. Non Profit entities are also eligible.

New Brunswick


Labour Force Training Grant (LFT)

The Labour Force Training program’s objective is to provide funding to eligible businesses and organizations which may assist in the training of existing employees so that they may develop the necessary skills to increase, improve and/or maintain labour market attachment.

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    FundingEligible employers must financially contribute towards the eligible training costs and can receive a maximum government contribution per fiscal year of $20,000.
    EligibilityThe applicant can be a business, non-profit organization or First Nations with their place of business must be established in New Brunswick. Training participants must be legally entitled to work in Canada, be working in NB on a permanent basis (Full-time/Part-time/Seasonal), and must be employed by the applicant (employer). An owner/operator may be eligible for funding and be considered an eligible training participant if the training meets specific criteria.

Northwest Territories


Canada-Northwest Territories Job Grant

The Canada Northwest Territories Job Grant is a cost‐sharing program that helps employers offset the cost of training for new or current employees. The Grant helps Northerners gain the skills they need to fill available jobs; it helps employers invest in their workforces, equipping workers with the training necessary to make their businesses succeed.

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    FundingEmployers can receive up to two‐thirds of the cost of training to a maximum government contribution of up to $10,000 per grant; employers must contribute the remaining one‐third. Employers may apply for any number of grants, but the maximum government contribution under the Canada‐Northwest Territories Job Grant is $10,000 per unique individual. This maximum amount may be utilized over a period of time and/or for more than one training opportunity.
    EligibilityEmployers with a plan to train workers for new or better jobs in the Northwest Territories may apply including businesses, not‐for profits, designated crown corporations, and Aboriginal Governments. Participating employers must have a job available for the trainee upon successful completion of the training.
    Training for both current and future employees is eligible, including individuals who are unemployed and seeking training to get a job, working but underemployed and seeking training to get a better job, employed but looking to training for a better job, employed but seeking training to enhance their skills in an existing job. Trainee participants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Canada-Ontario Job Grant

Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) provides opportunities for employers to invest in their workforce, with help from the government. If you're an employer with a particular skills demand, the Canada-Ontario Job Grant might be right for you. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

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    FundingEmployers can get up to $10,000 in government support per person for training costs. The training has to be delivered by an eligible, third-party trainer. Employers with 100 or more employees need to contribute 1/2 of the training costs. Small employers with less than 100 employees need to contribute 1/6 of training costs.
    EligibilityIndividual private and not-for-profit sector employers, First Nations and organizations acting on behalf of employers (including union training halls, industry associations, and training coordinators that meet the requirements below) are eligible to apply for the grant. Eligibility criteria apply to all employers regardless of whether they are training one or multiple individuals. Participants must be residents of Ontario and either a Canadian citizen, permanent resident that are either employed individuals or unemployed individuals with apermanent or conditional offer of employment from the employer.

Price Edward Island


Workplace Skills Training Program

Workplace Skills Training is a program developed for employers to train new or existing employees to develop their skills and align with needs of the business. The employer determines the type of training and who will participate. Training must be short term and meet job-specific and incremental industry requirements of the organization. Training considered part of the organization's normal business operations will not be eligible under the Workplace Skills Training Program.

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    FundingSkillsPEI can contribute up to 50% of the direct training costs. You will be required to contribute the remaining 50%. At the end of the training, the employee should have developed skills to meet the demands of today's economy.



Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant

The Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant is now accepting applications from eligible employers, pending available funding. The Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant is an employer-driven program that helps businesses and non-profit organizations train new or existing employees for available jobs and provides more opportunities for unemployed and underemployed workers to receive training.

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    FundingApproved employers are eligible to receive reimbursement for two-thirds of eligible training costs including employee salary, at the end of training. Employers can make multiple grant applications to a maximum of $100,000 per fiscal year, and up to $10,000 per individual trainee per year. Employers may work with training providers to combine courses into customized programs that meet their training needs.
    EligibilityPrivate and not-for-profit sector employers are eligible, self-employed individuals are not eligible to participate as CSJG supported trainees. Employers must be registered with ISC to qualify. Trainees must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada. Both existing and potential employees are eligible.
    Training must either support a new hire to the organization or result in a new or better job for the existing employee. This is defined as either an increase in pay, an increase in hours, or a promotion/advancement to another position.